Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Nature vs nature

I raised 3 boys and 3 girls. I am a person who does not think that only girls should play with dolls or only boys should run around like mad things shooting each other with plastic pistols. I witnessed all 6 children intermingle - sometimes my daughters would be grooms as they walked down the hallway next to their sister dressed in old curtains (the bride). My son had a cabbage patch doll (which he nicked from my bed) which he "breast fed". Not one to encourage violence my sons used sticks or Duplo to make guns with (where did they even conceive the idea I don't know) but they did. Apart from having an abusive father and a mother struggling to raise all of them on my own, I think they had a pretty good childhood all things considered.

Now I read how one particular political party wants parents to buy non gender specific toys for their kids this Christmas.  So, politics is further intruding in the home.  Their motto - No Gender December - is a little worrisome - is it their eventual goal to diminish gender differences?  Are we women going to lose our feminine identity?  Men are already getting the raw deal as they are emancipated through strong so-called feministic voices (I say so-called because part of being feminine is embracing the masculine - a yin and yen kind of thing).

I took great delight reading Tony Abbott's comment about their "madcap idea" (no, this doesn't mean I support any political party) in the Daily Telegraph this morning on page 9 (and no, I don't always read the papers) "And you wonder why the parliament's difficult, when you've got people like that with the balance of power in the Senate."

Putting these together, we have the country's decision makers telling parents to ungender their children (that's right pregnant ones - no more wondering whether it's a girl or a boy - it will just be a baby), they run around like chooks without a head chasing whale killers (not arguing that someone has to do it), they get into power to put in place their own agendas then retire (you thought we missed that didn't you Mr Brown?).  Little wonder Aussies turn to beaches and booze - (not that I support alcoholic drinking) - but let's get real - Women are the best gender for being women and men are the best gender for being men - God didn't get that wrong - so why change what nature created?  Are they saying nature got it wrong?  Then why are the majority of these non-gender people tree hugging, nature loving delegates?  Are they saying that nature got trees and whales right but got mankind wrong?  Me thinks they have sucked on that whacky-tabbacky a little too much and their brains have left their bodies.

In the 60's we had the revolutionary hippy movement - flower power - free love - drugs, load music, combi vans, will history refer to this confused human hating nature loving movement as the Post-Hippy Revolution? And in 100 years will a child ask their teacher what does Hippy stand for?  And will the reply come that it comes from the same root word as Hypocrite?  Now THAT explains it well!